Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The End of a School year

This was are first school year and it flew by. We had so much fun teaching these kids this year.I can't believe how fast these kids learn. When we finished the alphabet, at the end of April we still had alot more to learn before the school year was over. All of the four year old class was reading sight words on graduation day. What a accomplishment. It was so exciting as a teacher watching all the kids slowly, but surely begin to read. Our goal was to have all the kids know the alphabet, the sounds each letter makes, shapes, numbers and have them reading at least fifteen sight words by the end of the year. Many exceeded our expectations. Some of the fun things we did the last month of school included: watermelon day, Pirate day,Chickens- we had an incubator and hatched chickens in the classroom it took twenty-one days and both classes got to see a chick hatch, we also planted seeds and watched our watermelon and sunflowers grow. That
last month went by super fast, but was filled with lots of fun. We had eight students graduate from our four year old class on May 22nd, 2009.We will miss you guys next year, but all of them are ready for kindergarten. I can't wait for a new school year.
Ryan on pirate day. Each student made a treasure map. At fifteen different areas on their maps they had to gather their sight words. At the end of the treasure hunt, they had to read all fifteen sight words to a teacher, and then were able to pick a BIG prize from the tresure box. We told them earlier in the year that they were going to be having a treasure hunt and a prize would be involved, if they read their sight words. It was great motivation, and all of them couldn't wait for PIRATE DAY.

Our Graduating Class

The treasure hunt. Looking for those sight words.

Having fun in the classroom during music time.


MARTHA said...

What a great school! I'm impressed.

Heidi said...

I still LOVE LOVE LOVE your PRESCHOOL and so wish that Ella could go there. It is PERFECT for those kids! You guys are SO GREAT! That is all she talks about and I cant teach her what you guys do, she doesnt want to hear it from me. And I am STILL looking for a preschool out here that is like that, but to no avail!