Monday, July 6, 2009

Where do I start?

So there are several important milestones that have happened in our family over the last several months, and I have been soo... crazy busy that I have not been able to post them. Now that life is a little more calm I am going to do several posts that are from a few months ago. I am doing this for our own documentation because I would like to turn my blog into a book every year.Does anyone know how to do that, or has done it?If so PLEASE leave a comment. So bare with me as I catch up.


Debbie Gisle said...

My Mom knows some company...I can't remember what it is. Bug her. But I make no promises she'll remember. She and I have about the same memory (and remember that I'm the Mom that just didn't take my son to preschool one day just...cuz...I'm that spacey.) :)

Woolley Family said...

You just type turn blog into a book on the computer and it will give you the website.I think it's like blurb.

MARTHA said...

You can google it. There are lots of sites that have book options. I have friends and family that do it all the time and they claim it's easy, but I haven't done it yet. I want to do it too. Good Luck!