Thursday, June 11, 2009

No more FUSSY baby

Macey started to get colic when she was almost two weeks old. It started at about mid-afternoon and I couldn't get her to calm down until midnight some nights. Some days the colic would be all day long, making the days very long. Not only were the days long, but my poor baby looked like she was in pain. I tried everything. We switched formulas and even tried soy. NO Success.
Gas drops didn't even help her poor little tummy. I thought we were just going to have a colic baby until she grew out of it. I was just grateful that the colic was not during the night, just all day long. Other wise I would be a walking zombie. I wouldn't be able to nap with three others to take care of. Pictures have been near impossible with her. She cries in almost every picture
and is not happy. But my good friend is a life saver. She bought me some GRIPE WATER a week ago, and I have a new baby. Wow what a difference. Finally something that works. So if any body has a fusssy baby try gripe water. You can get it at most pharmacies. Now we can finally take pictures of a happy baby.


Christian and Kara said...

What a little doll!!! I am so sorry to hear about all of this, but soooo glad to hear Amber saved another mothers life!!! Who would have thought gripe water? So is she happier now, or still a little fussy. Your such a trooper I tell you!!! I miss picking all your guys' brains for baby advice. Keep blogging about things ( as if you have so much time lol ) and keep positive. YOur kids are too cute and fun!!! Miss ya

MARTHA said...

I'm feeling grateful for your relief. Glad she's doing better.

Eddie said...

Whew! That is awesome Amy. I'm so glad someone was able to help.

Heidi said...

YEAH! If you would've listened to Ned and I sooner...NO KIDDING! We are all about the grip water too. Asher was fussy too but grew out of it and now is a GREAT hopefully they follow the same pattern.

Did you see the crazy kids on your car...oh nevermind that is on facebook, join or get into katie's...those crazy kids. We told Ella about the Angels game today and she is SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED! I think she loves her cousins more than her parents...and YES she still wants to live with you!

mariann and Tory said...

That is awesome! I wish I would have known about that with our Makinzi!! IT was aweful!

Scarcy Family said...

I've heard good things about that stuff...Karalynne swore by it. She once had her friends dad get her some when he went to Canada! Glad to hear it worked for you. Congratulations on the new baby, she's beautiful!!!